Here There Be Dragons

Introducing Drake, the newest member of Team Helllhound. Drake is a nine month old (tomorrow) Doberman Pinscher, who  was surrendered to Beaumont Animal Care due to his owner moving out of state (we won’t go there, suffice to say that their loss is my gain).

I first saw his picture on BAC’s Facebook page Monday, and after a lot of encouragement by friends, I went down to take a look at him on Tuesday. Someone else had expressed interest in him, as well, and I left under the impression that their adopting him was pretty much a done deal. Late Wednesday afternoon, I was surprised to find out that not only was he still there, the other people hadn’t even filled out an application. I got down there late Thursday morning, filled out the application, did a meet and greet with Leo (she was on her way to the vet for an ear infection anyway, so I took her along) paid his adoption fee, and picked him up from the vet’s office after his neuter Friday afternoon.

So that was what, a four day process, from first seeing him to bringing him home?  No, it was actually four decades in the making. I’d wanted a Doberman Pincsher since I was thirteen years old, but somehow never had the planets align properly. Until now.

Oh, the title of this post? Drake means “Dragon”, and I’m steering into uncharted waters. His fancy name is BAC Here There Be Dragons.

Our first ever training session this morning. And yes, I did nearly kill myself tripping over him.



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